Katalozi Univerziteta u Gracu, Lincu, Bratislavi i Insbruku
UB Graz Nominalkatalog 1926-1982 | DE | EN | SK | SR-LAT | SR-KYR |
Glavna strana | Poručite e-knjigu Više o | Kontakti
Zur Startseite des Nominalkataloges der UB Graz - 1501-1982 Zur Überblicksseite

Pretraživanje u okviru predmetnih reči
Pretraživanje u okviru predmetnih reči i punog teksta

Alfabetski sortirano:
-25 . . . . -20 . . . . -15 . . . . -10 . . . . -5 . . . -1 +1 . . . +5 . . . . +10 . . . . +15 . . . . +20 . . . . +25

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Mathemat i c s education general X Mathematics in general education . A report of the committee on the function of mathematics in general education for the Commission on Secondary School Curriculum . New York »London : A|>pleton - Century Comp . (194o) XIV , 423 S . 8 . (Progressive Education Association Publications . )