UB Med Uni Wien: NK Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989 | DE | EN | SK | SR-LAT | SR-KYR |
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Index/U/ Vysvetlenia
UBBENS Toth U   >> Detail - Prehľad
UDUPA K.N. Heilkraefte T   >> Detail - Prehľad
UEBELSTAENDE Stellung Aerzte   >> Detail - Prehľad
UEBERRESTE NS-Opfer   >> Detail - Prehľad
UEHLINGER Erwin   >> Detail - Prehľad
UFER Joachim Hormontherapie   >> Detail - Prehľad
UGGLA Bref   >> Detail - Prehľad
UHLAND Lebensbilder   >> Detail - Prehľad
UHLIG Zellenbildung Grawitz   >> Detail - Prehľad
UJIIE Anatomie   >> Detail - Prehľad
ULLER Semmelweis   >> Detail - Prehľad
ULLMAN Montague Dream telepathy K V   >> Detail - Prehľad
ULLMANN Frage   >> Detail - Prehľad
ULLMANN Ueberlieferung   >> Detail - Prehľad
ULMER Compendium   >> Detail - Prehľad
ULSHOEFER Mergentheim   >> Detail - Prehľad
ULTZMANN Anleitung Hofmann   >> Detail - Prehľad
ULTZMANN Harnsteinbildung   >> Detail - Prehľad
UMBRICHT Komitee   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNDERWOOD Cameron   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNDT W. Wirkungen Kiss Aristid   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNGER Grundzuege   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNGER Hormone   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSALBIBLIOTHEK Reclam Freud T Lombroso Hohenheim   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSITAET Koeln K   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSITAETSFUEHRER Hochschuelerschaft oesterreichische   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSITAETSKLINIK Wiener Kinderheilkunde   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSITAETSREDEN Hallische   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSITAS Brunensis B H   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSITE Montpellier Faculte medecine Theses pour le grade de docteur en medecine Plessis   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSITE Montpellier Theses pour le grade de docteur en medecine Severac Sartre Filiu   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNIVERSITE Montpellier Theses pour le grade de docteur en medecine Perrin Delord   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNNA Histopathologie   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNSCHULD Paul Ulrich Medizin K K M   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNTERBERGER Zange Guettich   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNTERRICHTSMINISTERIUM Jahre hundert L Schoenbauer   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNTERSUCHUNGEN Laboratorium physiologischen F   >> Detail - Prehľad
UNVER Sueheyl Ue   >> Detail - Prehľad
URBACH Erich Hautkrankheiten   >> Detail - Prehľad
URBAN Sanitaets-Dienst   >> Detail - Prehľad
URBAN U Psychoanalyse   >> Detail - Prehľad
URBANTSCHITSCH Baldrian   >> Detail - Prehľad
URBANTSCHITSCH Urban U   >> Detail - Prehľad
URBANTSCHITSCH Faelle   >> Detail - Prehľad
URBANTSCHITSCH Nerven Sprach stoerungen   >> Detail - Prehľad
URETERORENOSKOPIE transurethrale   >> Detail - Prehľad
URSTEIN Bastian Aphasie   >> Detail - Prehľad
USCHMANN Entwicklung   >> Detail - Prehľad
USCHMANN Zeittafel O   >> Detail - Prehľad
UTERUS   >> Detail - Prehľad

University Library of the Medical University of Vienna: Alphabetical subject catalogue "Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989"

The alphabetical subject catalogue "Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989" accounts for approximately 100.000 bibliographic units which were published between 1850 and 1989.

The subject headings were not taken from an authority file, as is common today. The vocabulary is a bit outdated and often reflects the personal opinions of the cataloguers.

The catalogue covers the largest holdings of medico-historical literature situated in the branch library for the history of medicine. The catalogue records monographs, journals but also offprints and occasional component parts (single articles in journals or collective volumes) by title.

Each index card offers the opportunity to change or correct the OCR-read full texts. The changes made will immediately become visible and searchable.

The catalogue chronologically continues the Nominalkatalog der Josephinischen Bibliothek 1500-1850 and is on its part continued by the OPAC which comprises historical medical literature purchased by the branch library for the history of medicine from 1989 onwards. It is also complemented by the author-title catalogues Medizinhistorische Dissertationen 1700-1850 and Separata Medizingeschichte 1860-1935.

Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien
Zweigbibliothek für Geschichte der Medizin
Tel.: +43 1 4277 60530
Fax: +43 1 4277 9634
E-Mail: brigitte.kranz@meduniwien.ac.at

For books that are also listed in the author-title catalogue "Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989", the possibility is given to acquire a digitized version, via the service "ebooks on demand" (EOD); under the condition the book is no longer copyright protected (usually 70 years after the author's death). Further information on this service can be found here: http://ub.meduniwien.ac.at/content/891_eod_einl.php?ID_ort=9a8a1a1&ID_seite=891