UB Med Uni Wien: NK Josephinische Bibliothek 1500-1900 | DE | EN | SK | SR-LAT | SR-KYR |
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Index/N/ Vysvetlenia
NACCARI, Flora   >> Detail - Prehľad
NAEGELE, Lehrbuch, Naegele   >> Detail - Prehľad
NAUGERIUS, Navagero   >> Detail - Prehľad
NEIFELD, Ratio   >> Detail - Prehľad
NEUMANN, Neglectus   >> Detail - Prehľad
NICOLAI, Bemuehungen   >> Detail - Prehľad
NICOLAUS, Dispensarium, Aretaeus   >> Detail - Prehľad
NISSEN, Bemerkungen   >> Detail - Prehľad
NORDMANN, Beitraege   >> Detail - Prehľad
NYILASSY, notitia   >> Detail - Prehľad

University Library of the Medical University of Vienna: Author-title catalogue of the "Josephinische Bibliothek".

The author-title catalogue "Josephinische Bibliothek" accounts for approximately 11.500 volumes which were published between 1500 and 1900. As regards content, there is a focus on surgical subjects in the "Josephinische Bibliothek". Besides surgery as such, there are also extensive holdings on anatomy, ophthalmology and obstetrics. Further areas of collection emphasis were important works from the fields of mineralogy, botany, chemistry and zoology which, at that time, belonged to the medical faculty.

The "Josephinische Bibliothek", which is one of the biggest, oldest and most renowned collections of medico-historical literature, goes back to Emperor Joseph II who, in 1775, founded the surgical academy for the purpose of training military surgeons. A library was included in the academy, its holdings comprising stocks that were either taken from monasteries, old stocks from other medical clinics, as well as donations and acquisitions.

In 1785 the military surgeon's school moved into what is nowadays called the Josephinum on the Währingerstraße. With the closing of the academy in 1848 the library's stock ends as well.

The books of the "Josephinische Bibliothek" remained in the Josephinum during the last opening of the academy 1854-1874, and are still located there to this day. When the institute for the history of medicine moved into the Josephinum in 1920, the institute's stock was combined with the Josephinum's collections. Thus, the University of Vienna acquired the "Josephinische Bibliothek". In 2004, the "Josephinische Bibliothek" was finally given over to the newly founded Medical University of Vienna.

The basis for this digitalized catalogue is formed by the old catalogue cards that were made in the course of a recataloguing project from 1962 to 1965. The cataloguing was done using the "Preußische Instruktionen" ("Prussian instructions" - an historical german catalogue code.), although with some minor variations.

Each index card offers the opportunity to change or correct the OCR-read full texts. The changes made will immediately become visible and searchable.

Extensive information on the collection's history and a detailed description of the stocks of the "Josephinische Bibliothek" can be found in: "Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände in Deutschland". Digitalisiert von Günter Kükenshöner. Hrsg. von Bernhard Fabian. Hildesheim: Olms Neue Medien 2003:

The catalogue is chronologically continued in the author-title catalogue "Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989" (http://opac.meduniwien.ac.at/F/?func=find-b-0&local_base=m900), as well as the OPAC which comprises historical medical literature purchased by the branch library for the history of medicine from 1989 onwards.

Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien
Zweigbibliothek für Geschichte der Medizin
Tel.: +43 1 40160 26190
E-Mail: brigitte.kranz@meduniwien.ac.at

For books that are also listed in the author-title catalogue "Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989", the possibility is given to acquire a digitized version, via the service "ebooks on demand" (EOD); under the condition the book is no longer copyright protected (usually 70 years after the author's death). Further information on this service can be found here: http://ub.meduniwien.ac.at/content/891_eod_einl.php?ID_ort=9a8a1a1&ID_seite=891