UB Med Uni Wien: NK Separata Medizingeschichte 1860-1935 | | DE | EN | SK | SR-LAT | SR-KYR | |
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Index (UB Med Uni Wien: NK Separata Medizingeschichte 1860-1935) | Explanation |
University Library of the Medical University of Vienna: Author-Title Catalogue "Separata Medizingeschichte" 1860-1935The author-title catalogue "Separata Medizingeschichte 1860-1935" accounts for approximately 51.000 separate prints from medical journals and various collections, which were published between 1860 and 1935. This unique collection of medico-historical special literature has originally been compiled by the Society of Physicians in Vienna. It is now a deposit loan at the branch library for the history of medicine and is also accessible there.The cataloguing was done using the "Preußische Instruktionen" ("Prussian instructions" - an historical german catalogue code.) Each index card offers the opportunity to change or correct the OCR-read full texts. The changes made will immediately become visible and searchable. Besides the author-title catalougue "Medizinhistorische Dissertationen 1700-1850", this catalogue complements the chronologically structured author-title catalogues Josephinische Bibliothek 1500-1850 and Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989, as well as the OPAC which comprises historical medical literature purchased by the branch library for the history of medicine from 1989 onwards. Contact: Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien http://ub.meduniwien.ac.at/ Zweigbibliothek für Geschichte der Medizin Tel.: +43 1 40160 26190 E-Mail: brigitte.kranz@meduniwien.ac.at For books that are also listed in the author-title catalogue "Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989", the possibility is given to acquire a digitized version, via the service "ebooks on demand" (EOD); under the condition the book is no longer copyright protected (usually 70 years after the author's death). Further information on this service can be found here: http://ub.meduniwien.ac.at/content/891_eod_einl.php?ID_ort=9a8a1a1&ID_seite=891 |