Kataloge der Universitäten Graz, Linz, Bratislava und Innsbruck
UB Med Uni Wien: NK Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989 | DE | EN | SK | SR-LAT | SR-KYR |
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K 40 , 050 Roll Munk's Munk's Roll . Abb . 1968 London : Royal College of Physicians of London Oxford (usw . ) : Oirl Press at Oxford University Press 1989 Vol . 5 : Lives of the fellows of the Royal Col - : lege of Physicians of London . Continued(from 1954) to 1965 . Ed , by Richard R . Trail . 1968 Vol . 8 : Lives of the fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London . Continued(from 1984) to 1988 . Ed . by Gordon(Ethelbert Ward) Wolstenholme . 1989