Kataloge der Universitäten Graz, Linz, Bratislava und Innsbruck
UB Med Uni Wien: NK Medizinhistorische Literatur 1850-1989 | DE | EN | SK | SR-LAT | SR-KYR |
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2) ad : Department medical U - S - ärmy« 2o . 72o Vol . 1 : Lynch , Ch . : The surgeon' - generals office "bgr Ch . Lynch , F . W . We ed and L . Mcafee . 19 - 23 Vol . 2 : - Ford , J ; H . : Administration american expeditionary forces . 1927 . Vol . 3 : Wolfe , E . P . : Finance and supply . 1928 . Vol . 4 : Bowen , A . S . : Activities concerning mobilization camps and ports of embarkation . 1928 Vol . 5 : Weed , F . W . ; Military Hospitals in the United States . 1923 . . / .